Emergency tank breakdown...help needed


New member
Hello all!
Wednesday night I had to break down my 125 mixed reef due to my frag tank overflow failing which caused it to dump about 60 gallons of water into my living room while I was at work. I have had to displace all my livestock and coral into trash cans to try and keep them alive. I need whatever is still alive displaced to other homes if anyone is willing. I've pretty much lost all my my sps and some fish already. I live in Choctaw, so hoping for someone willing to come here. Please contact me ASAP to make arrangements or get more details. I'll check here periodically today for replies. I don't know if I'm allowed to post my number; if so, I will.
Once I've verified all livestock is gone, I'll post what hardware I have available. It's been a tough course of days, but I know I won't be able to start the tank back up.
You're help would be greatly appreciated...
Damn! Are you on Facebook? Ok reef community has about 800 people we could help. I will post for you but see if you can find us for more help!
I can be there in about an hour if you'll have anything left. It's a long trip for me if there won't be much though.
I live swokc and get off work at 330. I have room to take whatever you need.

Call or text me: Deborah 405-406-5287
I have a 40breeder and 20L sump with a 2x4 stand that I'll donate, if you need it. The 40br has a slow leak, indicated by salt creep on the trim and stand, but it holds water and could probably be resealed. If anything, the 20L could hold some livestock. It's not livingroom worthy, but it could be nice with some work.

I'm near Choctaw, in MWC, so I might be able to take some livestock if you're just looking to re-home it. I'm at home now, but I'll have to run out in about an hour or 2

405-eight three four - 8616

Im so sorry to hear that! I have a 20L that could handle some more livestock. I currently only have one clown, a bubble tip nem, and some zoas/palys. I live in del city.
I'm in Southeast Norman and can help. I have a 150, a 55, & a 20 that I could place livestock in. Let me know if you need me to help. 405-213-2414
I did this ounce... swore I would never get back into this hobby and here I am! sorry for all the mess and stress I know it sux!
Thank you all for the responses. I have a gentleman coming over soon. We will see what is left once he leaves if I have any survivors. I appreciate your help!!
Well...good news is we were able to salvage my red goniapora, maybe a few heads of the candy came, and the war coral may come back around. The bad news is everything else died. Not the way I saw my exit from reefing....again, thank you all for your willingness to help. Had I reached out Wednesday, a lot of losses maybe could have been avoided; however, I thought I had a handle on it...