Frags for sale - Sunday 12-4 only


New member
Time to trim again...

A lot of my pieces have started growing out of control again, so I'll be cutting a bit on sunday.

Indochina blue stag ORA Piece.. 35-45 Deep blue, sometimes with a green tinge on the polyps, and bright blue tips

Greg carrols surf n turg -35 -45 light green polyps with light blue base â€"œ some pieces are turning pure powder blue… the green is going
fire pink cluster table millepora $50 Has lavender edges.. looks like a tyree but I cant verify ( looks like his aquarium city )
Yellow millepora $30
Green Millepora $30
Yellow/ blue tip mille $30
Orange digi $15
Orange cap $15
Green cap $10
Purple Slimer $35-45
Oregon Tort $50-60 ( 3 )
Purple tort $60 ( another one I haven’t seen for a while )
Bali Blue green purple triclor $30 ( tips have turned a bright purple since the mjmods )
Green slimer $20
Rainbow cluster tenuis $50
microthalma $10
Montipora confusa $45 ( big ) $35 small
Green sinularia $15
Hairy rhodactis brown w green tips
Blue green turaki $45
Bags of chaeto/caulerpa mix $5 each
Some of my frags were picked up years ago… and they have fully grown to maturity

Just to whet your appetite for frags...

Some of what I will be bringing.

Indochina blue stag.. 35-45 Deep blue, sometimes with a green tinge on the polyps, and bright blue tips
From Tony Badbones - EASY care, One of the easiest to keep Blue Acropora that I have ever seen... Looks like an acropora Pulchra

fire pink cluster table millepora $50 Has lavender edges.. click on photos.

Green Millepora $30

Orange digi $15
Orange cap $15 BIG frags cut to whatever size you want
Bigger frags $30 -- 4 inch +

Green cap $10

Purple Slimer $35-45

Oregon Tort $50-60 ( 3 ) From Hugo

Purple tort $60 ( another one I haven’t seen for a while )

Bali Blue green purple triclor $30 ( tips have turned a bright purple since the mjmods ) VERY NICE.. BUSHY Big frags of this one too.... Might have gotten this from Steve Garret.. Another VERY EASY PIECE to take care of.

Green slimer $20

Rainbow cluster tenuis $50

Yellow Green microthalma $15 Got from Steve Garret..

Montipora confusa $45 ( big ) $35 small Fragfarmer

Fluorescent Green sinularia $15

Hairy rhodactis brown w green tips $5 each

Maybe Rose Millepora w blue polyps From Hugo
Maybe one acropora caroliana... Fragfarmer Yellow

Maybe some others.

Bags of chaeto/caulerpa mix $5 each Live Mysid shrimp in them, my tank has a breeding population of mysid shrimp. It came off some fresh rock I got off the plane 6-7 yrs ago...pods and worms too. I first thought the mysid shrimp were baby fish

Some of my frags were picked up years ago… and they have fully grown to maturity




some pics...

PM me for details.

You up for a trade Franky?

I've got a frag of the Incredible Hulk that you mentioned before..............LMK

Steve :D
There is also a good shot of my blue slimer recovering after a vacation mistake:)

I am very happy it is growing back over the dead spots.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10104964#post10104964 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Frankysreef
I'll trade with you.

Whacha want?

Not sure.................Are you having people come by your house on Sunday between 12 - 4 ?? If so, I'd like to come by also & probably make my choice then, if it's ok???
Also all prices are negotiable, + frag sizes will be big.

I NEED to trim these things... Especially the purple tipped tricolor.
Franky, put me down for a Lg frag of that tri color, If you can PM me your address, and i will see ya Sunday.

Steve G
I bought a piece of:

fire pink cluster table millepora $50 Has lavender edges.. looks like a tyree but I cant verify ( looks like his aquarium city )

Awhile back and I love it.....Very nice coral...
Thanks for the frags Franky.
You should try fiddling with the white balance on your camera, the pictures you posted don't show the vibrant colors, and scraping the glass clean would also help.
Thanks again!

Steve G
Thanks guys...My colors are great..I bought a new camera and I am still fiddling with it.

My pictures don't do the corals justice..

With a new business and a wife and a baby, it is hard to really spend time on the tank..

I have spent a lot of time, getting my system to be a turn key reef tank, and I think it is there.

I really only clean the glass maybe once a mo, and use the magnet once a week, it just keeps running and growing, and the colors are really starting to pop on some again.

I have close to 3-5 yr growth on most corals and most were started as frags.. and if you replicate the lighting that I have... your colors should be exactly the same.

I only use 250's instead of 400's which is also better for the average reefer.

Some of the big time growers all use 400's for the colors.. and then people are sad when they lose that color that they bought it for...

I have had some blues turn pink.. some greens brown... etc... you know the drill... :)