Get together at my house on Nov 20th


Premium Member
We are going to get together on 20 Nov at 6PM. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know where I live and need directions send me a PM. Any topics are welcome. I know some people wanted to talk about different types of marine algae and their pros and cons. We didn't get to it last meeting, maybe we can bring it up at this one.
Please let me know if you are coming so that I can plan ahead.
I will be there Mike, was wondering if you would have any RO water ready for the meeting? I will be happy to buy it from you. I just don't trust many RO retailers.

Thanks a lot

PS- I will have the pizza rolls ;)
I should be able to make this one, just send me a PM with your address and I'll put it in my GPS. Joe and myself are going to the Columbus meeting on th 19th where Steven Pro is speaking and if anyone wants to ride up with us let me know.
Steven Pro is a must see speaker. He has the ability of keeping it fun and informative at the same time.