Hello from Grantfork IL


Angelfish Nerd
Premium Member
I am going to be heading to Springfield Friday and would like to hit some stores. What are the good ones in Springfield?

There is only one salt store in Springfield. It's an ok store on the fish side, but coral is pretty limited and subpar quality IMO.

FishMan Pet Center on Peoria Road in Springfield.

Best bet is to detour towards Decatur or keep going to Bloomington
Thanks for the info, Springfield is already a 2 hr drive, I dont think I will be going any further. Decatur and Bloomington put us even further from home. My wife has to pick up some product for her salon, I just said I would tag along if I could hit a fish store. FishMan should work. Thanks for the tip.

How are their prices?
My wife's a cosmotologist as well. Multiple credit card charges from those blasted beauty supply stores!!!
Fish are reasonable. Dry goods are through the roof, and like I said, coral is just pretty rough. You'll be lucky to find any sps. It's mostly softies, maybe some zoas, shrooms, polyps, but mostly anthelia, gsp, xenia type stuff. Their systems still aren't ideal, but they've come a long way in the last few months. The old owner passed away, and the new one is making an attempt to improve things.

Sometimes they have good specials on frozen food. They have agood variety of foods. Lots of live items (bloodworms, blackworms, copepods, tiger pods, etc.)
It's been a while since I've been in there. Lots and lots of clowns usually.

I've seen a few angels in there before, and maybe some of the more common tangs (yellow, hippo, maybe a sailfin or 2). I think if you want anything out of the ordinary, you'd have to special order, but you may get lucky and find a good one.
Is there a complete LFS listing for your club somewhere? I guess it would not hurt to program a couple others in my GPS, you never know, we may drive a little more.
haha....I'm not sure. I know girard is not very big. It wouldn't be far out of your way to stop there off of 55 though.
Girard Aquarium is an empty lot.

I feel sorry for Springfield residents. Fishman was a very sorry excuse for a store.
haha...yeah, we're pretty limited.

Like I said, I do most of my shopping in Bloomington for livestock, and all dry goods are usually bought online.

If you're ever in Decatur or Bloomington/Normal, check out Johnny's Reefing Experience or ReefFX. Much better stores.