Help feeding lawnmower blenny


New member
It doesn't eat the flake I feed my other fishes and my tank has little algae (it won't touch the algae that is there). I put a piece of nori in the tank just now and it is also untouched. What else can I do?
I've heard this is a common problem, and I had the same problem with my little guy. I eventually gave him to a fellow RCer who had a large tank with lots of variety.

I had been told that some of them will eat algae tablets that are sold for bottomfeeding freshwater fish - might want to try that. My Blenny didn't touch them, though.
Blennys are pretty hard on the prepared foods such as formula one pellets and flakes. You need to make sure they eat that stuff at the LFS.. Try and feed it some nori sheets, and or buy some algae tablets called HIKORI it has a Striped Pleco on the bag. I got mine to eat those right before he perished.

Good Luck
