Hyposalinity duration


New member
I read your artical about Ich, it has been very helpful.
Now, my display tank has ich problem, I notice some abnormal beheavier such as flashing, brushing the rock. I start the hyposalinity treatment, first I replace about 4/5 the tank with fresh water for about one hour, then I slowly bring the level to 1.009 to 1.010 as you suggested. It's been 3 days and all the fish look much happier, swim and eat mormal.
As your article, you suggest keep the 1.009 to 1.010 salinity for 14 days. But I remember some article suggest 28 days for complete cure. My tank temp are 79-83 F, can you tell me how many days I need to keep my tank in hyposalinity treatment for a complete cure of ich?
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated!
Fourteen days was the initial standard treatment that came out, but since then many people have extended that. If your fish show no signs of trouble, I would probably do the entire month. Then, I would quarantine them for an additional month to be sure the treatment was successful and allow time for them to recover.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I will try one month hyposalinity treatment.
But I don't understand the meaning of "I would quarantine them for additional month to be sure the treatment was successful and allow them to recover"
I am hyposanility treatment all my fishes in my display tank now, not in my quarantine tank, how to quarantine them one more month? Do you mean that I should bring the salinity level up slowly through the next month after the 30 days treatment?
Yes, this is a fish only tank, no live rock. I stat to hyposalinity treatment when my fishes only showing abnormal swimming beheavier, such as brush on the rock and flashing, there were no white spot yet. So I think I caught the ich at early stage. Since I have start the hyposalinity treatment, I just want to be sure the lengh of the treatment, I don't want to end too soon and the ich can come back. So far, my fishes are doing fine and eating well.