June Meeting/Garage sale


New member
John(FISHON) has gratously agreed to host a Frag/Equipment swap in his garage on June 26th! We plan on having a variety of our local coral farmers there with corals to purchase, but also will bring the club tanks and encourage member's to bring any frags that they would like to trade or sell! We also encourage member's to bring any equipment that they would like to trade or sell!

The club will be providing various meat products to grill! Doors open at 11am!

Address is:

11302 Mount Gateway Dr.
Falcon, CO
Garage swap this weekend! This is going to be sweet! We have some of the best coral farmers in Colorado, bringing their best stuff!
This is going to be a good one! We have the best coral farmers in Colorado, if not the region showing up to this one! Hope to see you all there! Doors open at 11am and close at 4pm! We will be serving burgers and brats at 1pm with a raffle to follow at 2pm!:bounce2::bounce1::celeb3::bounce1::bounce2: