June Meeting


Professional Stick Gluer
Premium Member
It is that time again. We are meeting on Sunday at 5:00. You can just show up, there is no need to email or PM me, unless you have questions. There may be a couple free frags there!

Here are directions to the house we are meeting at this month:

June Meeting - Details

June Meeting - Details

The meeting at Jay's house was awesome. We watched an excellent film on conservation and got to meet a newcomer, Rob. We had small numbers there this time, but still had a blast.

Attending were:
Frank & Danelle (sorry if I spelled your name wrong)
Jim & Brenda

We talked about getting a website going. If anyone has web design skills, please shout out, as that would be a great value added service to the In 2 Deep club.

We also extended the deadline for payment on shirts until Wednesday this week, so you still have time to order if you haven't done so yet.

At the end, we had a drawing for three frags - two orange digitata and a head of frogspawn. Jim and Rob won the digitata frags and Jay won the frogspawn.

Until next time - Keep Reefin'