Just a couple follow up questions


Premium Member
I just finished reading the two part series you wrote on ich.
Great resource, thanks for providing it. I do have a couple of follow up questions.

I am reading this because I "might" have an ich question. This past weekend I removed 4 damsels that a local fish shop sold me to cycle my small tank that I have abandoned now for a 90 gallon.

What is left in the new tank are two tangs a yellow and a yellow eye. Live rock and Sand. Two cleaner shrimp, some snails and crabs (cleaner turbos)

Last night I noticed the yellow glancing rocks and hanging out by the cleaner more than usual. That scared me a bit. He is still eating and there are no white spots. When I removed the damsels I had to take out all the rock to catch them and I am sure this stressed the remaining two fish. I am not sure if the behavior change is a result of stress and the missing fish or if they are showing early signs of ich.

I now know I need to use my old small tank as a quarantine tank for all new arrivals. No problem I can remove the sand and build a pc hiding place and use another skimmer for filtration to make this a working tank for quarintine.

My question is. If the fish I do have indeed have ich and must be removed to the quarintine do I also need to remove the shrimp snails and crabs?

Also when I get new corals or inverts do I need to quarintine them before adding to the main tank and for how long?

Thanks again for your great work