Lighting confusion


New member
This lighting stuff is driving me nuts:confused: :confused: As some of you guys know I am getting my frst reef tank. I have on order a 36x24x31 tank, and a 4bulb T5 sunlight supply unit with the individual reflectorsfrom I have been told that this is not enough since my tank is going to be so deep. Should I add a 175W 10K to this setup or is it okay for now. I will start out with some easy stuff as far as coral but can afford to go ahead and get everything I need now as far as equipment. I am looking at this or maybee i need to go 250w becaause of the depth. Just give me some ideas. I can't seem to find any threads with similar depth tanks to compare.
If you are going to add MH, go with either a SE 250W or (preferably) DE 250W.

EDITED - If the tank is 31" deep, go with 400W SE or 250W DE.
My tank is the same dimensions and I use a SE 400W 10k bulb supplemented with 2 - 96W Actinics.
It is conceivable that if you got a really strong light with the idea of keeping clams or SPS in the future, the softies and things you have now may not really do well under the powerful MH. Just something to keep in mind.
My softies made the transition pretty well to MH environment. I periodically move some frags of zoos and what not from PC to MH environment and vice versa without any problem. It's just a matter of positioning them and acclimating them to a new condition slowly.

Sheesh...I said 'conceivable'. Depending on what corals she has, there is definitely a chance that they may not like MH lighting. Didn't say it would kill them, just be less than optimal for them. Mushrooms, for instance.
Re: Lighting confusion

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6777414#post6777414 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by potterjg
but can afford to go ahead and get everything I need now as far as equipment. I am looking at this or maybee i need to go 250w becaause of the depth. Just give me some ideas.

If you can afford better, I'd call Greg at reefgeek and order the IceCap retrofit kit. MUCH better ballast that will overdrive the bulbs without shortening their life much, if at all. You also get a better reflector. The IceCap is more versatile in the future as well, and has value if you ever decide to sell it.
Wpecoul offers solid advice regarding your softies and MH. Others naturally argue that their stuff is fine under halides. Well, there are exceptions to every rule. There has been a LOT of research done lately claiming T5's deep water punch is a lot better than originally thought. I have had PC, VHO, T5 and MH. Of all, I preferred T5. ALTHOUGH my tank is not as deep as yours. If it were me, I'd swap to the Icecap setup, then maybe add halides down the road once you decide you want more challenging corals. Softies, zoos, mushrooms and the like make for a beautiful tank, and if you work your rock properly, I'd feel pretty confident in saying your T5's will probably suit you.
Good luck, and happy reefing.
twkenny that is sound advice. I appreciate everyones input. I have already ordered the sunlight supply retro fit T5, but I also have an icecap660 ballast I bought used I was planning on using on the 65g tank. Should I send the sunlight supply ballast back when it comes in and get the icecap?
Well....the Sunlight Supply retro kits come with different reflectors as well as ballasts. If it were me, I'd swap the whole setup for an icecap. See how that works out, and maybe add halides later. Wpecoul offered excellent advice (as he normally does) regarding the halides you may want to add later.
My tank is ready to pick up I am so excited I can not stand it. Can not wait to start mixing water this weekend for the new tank. I hope to pick it up tomorrow.
I have the tank sitting empty in my livingroom. It has to cure until march 16th before I can put water in it. I did not know it would not be ready to fill. But, it is beautiful.

I forgot to take pics when I picked it up. We drove up to Dickson, TN to Glasscages to get it and that was cool. We got to see some huge tanks ready to be picked up. They also had some very cool sizes. There was one that looked like all it needed was a top to be a diningroom table. THere was also a 48x48x12 that was neat too. So I'll post an update when I get to start doing something fun