Looking for an RBTA


New member
If anybody has one and it's spawned a bud or split and would be willing to part with it, I'd be ecstatic, and my clownfish would love you. I don't really have any frags to trade or the such, I'm still working on getting a few frag packs to stock the tank but would like to get the anemone first so it can settle down and I can work around it a bit. It's actually going into a three year old tank that I'm just now starting to add corals and all to it since I've recently put together a refugium system and upgraded my lighting to t5's (It's only a 29 gallon)

I am sure we can find you one. There was a group buy a member was running on rbtas. PM Lanie and ask her if the group buy is still open.
Thanks alot for the tip. I'm really really happy with how the tank is going so far... water parameters are perfect, I officially kicked all the hair algae in the butt (like literally, there is none left at all) and it's really shaping up. All I gotta do is fill it up as I get the money :p
are you still looking for one? i have two for sale. have had the main rose in my tank for over 4 years now.

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