Looking for fish - Jax, FL


New member
I have a 90 gallon tank, and I'm looking for some mature fish to add to it. Shipping is ok as long as it's guaranteed one day UPS (you basically have to live in FL). I'd like to avoid shipping altogether as it gets expensive =/. We will locally pick up the fish.

I'm hoping I can take some fish off people's hands that they just wanted a new home for, or would like to move on from a species. I'm willing to pay decent prices for the fish, but we're on a budget and trying to see what's available for now. We recently moved a tank into a medical office and we're ready to start stocking it~^^

I'm looking for smaller full size angels, more docile clowns, pretty much anything with a decent size for a peaceful tank.

Some of the fish I'm really looking for are:
Blue Girdled Angelfish
Annularis Angelfish
Koran Angelfish
Percs or Ocellaris clowns (more mature preferred)
Power Blue Tangs (Or P-Brown)


Please email me or PM me.

harveycassidy at gmail dot com