Looking for Frags CLose to Monroe,WI


New member
Hello, I am just starting out with a 75 gallon saltwater tank. It's been running for about 6 weeks plus I cycled it with about 40 lbs. of live rock and I also added Bio-Spira. It's done cycling and I have a clown and anenome in it. It's looking pretty bare so I am looking to get some beginer frags to start adding color. I live in Northern Illinois (Dakota,IL. - about 25 min. south of Monroe,WI.), I am looking for some nice inexpensive frags,corals to buy but I don't want to have to go to Chicago to pick them up and the LFS are wat too expensive. Anyone out there close to me have any to sell ? My setup : 75 gal. tank, 2 power heads, 3 stage Eheim canister filter, protein skimmer,384 watts Power Compact lighting, & about 35-40 lbs. LR & another 30lbs. of base.
Please send pics if you have any.