need grouper id


New member
heres a pic of the little guy the lfs had him marked as blue spotted grouper. but i cant find any pics that look like him.
Here's the blue-spotted grouper details. Click on the pic and you'll see pics. Then click on the google link for more pics.

Hmmm, I've seen a juvenile like this before -- not sure if it is the c. argus though. Looks different from the adult. Then again I'm not aware of other common groupers with blue dots either, other than the miniata, but your fish is not bright red. I know it's not that one.
I've seen an adult blue spot that's not black more of a white. Could also be Variola louti or Plectropomus maculatus
It should be a Variola albomarginata if it has a lyretail but not variola louti because i have one since juvenile coloration and i have never seen a body color like this with too large spots. Cephalopholis fulva,Cephalopholis miniata,Cephalopholis urodeta are the candidates if the color is red-orange like on the photo