New purchase


Premium Member
By no means am I leaving the Hobby. I did purchase a JBJ 28 gallon Nano system with 150w HQI

It was this or the Red Sea Max system & I chose this mainly due to the lighting. So whenever it arrives My plan is to stock it with SPS and LPS corals using baserock, so no hitch hikers what so ever.

For stocking I am thinking...

1- True Percula clown
1- Black percula clown
1- green/ pink tip bubble anemone
1- purple firefish
1- firefish
1- fairy wrasse
2- crocea clams
1- Orange cap coral
1- short tenicle purple plate coral
1- 4 head pink tip frogspawn
1- pink stylophora
1- Yellow Turbinaria
1- acro Tenius
1- acro millipora

With 2" base of sand
Plans of 35% water changed every two weeks to maintain water quality.
I'm going to add a AquaClear #50 HOB filter for a fuge with a Mini-Freshwater Aqualight 2- 9w 6700K bulbs to supplement the fuge. Should work nicely.

I'm already rethinking my Livestock.. lol

SPS Dominated tank
No anemone
Mystery Fairy wrasse
2- Crocea clams
1-Purple firefish
1- Helfrichi Firefish
1- True Percula clown

I'll keep my Pink tip frogspawn and keep it far away from the SPS
I'll also keep my purple short tenicle plate coral

I'm thinking I will need more display flow. The factory 20X turn over may not be enough. I may need a Nano tunze or possibly use my Seio 620. I like the Tunze's tho.

I'd get one tunze 6025 and I think you'll be good as far as flow is concerned :)