New to Saltwater Aquarium Help


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I have a 135 gallon Oceanic Aquarium FOWLR. Currently have crushed coral but from reading on here I am going to change to live sand. Have 2 False Perucla's, 1 Stars and Stripes Puffer, 4 Blue Damsels. I am thinking of eventually adding the following Blue Regal Tang, Yellow Tang, Picasso Trigger, Flame Angel, and A Large Angel of some kind not sure what yet. I have a 350 Magnum Filter/Pump? A SeaClone Skimmer. What else do I need? Help? I also have the Compact Lights. Any Inputs would be appreciated. Is this too many fish for my Tank?

Thats alot of fish for that tank size. The large angel is a bad idea because all large angels will outgrow a 135 gallon tank. Skip the large angel. If possible I would try to get the damsels out if you want to add more fish because they will start to more aggressive and harm and bother your fish. You may also want to look into upgrading your skimmer in the future. Its a cheap skimmer and doesn't work that great. For now its fine but once you start getting more fish and adding to the bio-load I wold look into a better skimmer such as the Coralife Super Skimmers if you want a skimmer thats a HOB.
Yes that is a lot of big fish for a 135g tank. With the bio load you have I would look at a good quaility skimmer and stay away from the cheaper ones like the Coralife. The lights really do not matter since it is a fish only tank. How much LR do you have in the tank now?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6493917#post6493917 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dubbin1
Yes that is a lot of big fish for a 135g tank. With the bio load you have I would look at a good quaility skimmer and stay away from the cheaper ones like the Coralife. The lights really do not matter since it is a fish only tank. How much LR do you have in the tank now?

The coralife skimmers are cheap but work. Also, how long is your tank? Just checking to make sure its not a cube or anything.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6493933#post6493933 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
The coralife skimmers are cheap but work.

I'm not saying that they don't work but you know as well as I do that there are much better skimmers. I am sure the coralife skimmers are fine for a small tank with a small bio load but we are talking a major load here. The S&S Puffer alone is one messy dude (I used to have one).
I was worried about that skimmer too. LFS kinda robbed me on that I think. What are some good skimmers? I want to keep as good quality of tank as I can. What are some other good items that I might need.
An ASM G3 would work great on that tank. If you have room for a sump/refug that would help a ton with your water quality.
I would get 60-100 lbs more of liverock. A good skimmer thats pretty cheap are ASM skimmers, but if you have the money get a euro reef or MRC skimmer. Both are RC sponcers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6494126#post6494126 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
I would get 60-100 lbs more of liverock. A good skimmer thats pretty cheap are ASM skimmers, but if you have the money get a euro reef or MRC skimmer. Both are RC sponcers.

Euro reef and ASM are basically the same thing. They just use different materials for the skimmer body.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6494274#post6494274 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dubbin1
Euro reef and ASM are basically the same thing. They just use different materials for the skimmer body.

Basically can mean many things. They are differen't and thats why I posted it. If they were exactly the same I wouldn't have. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6494299#post6494299 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
Basically can mean many things. They are differen't and thats why I posted it. If they were exactly the same I wouldn't have. :)

All puffers are messy eaters. The larger the puffer the larger the waste/ bioload. Strong water circulation and filtration helps.
I had a picasso trigger, once about 10 years ago. It was the only trigger I ever had. Was in a FOWLR Tank, although there were a couple pink tipped anenome, and a coral banded shrimp and what not. Trigger took a bite out of everything and left em for dead. Shrimp, anenome, smaller fish, etc....

My experience with the trigger fish is limited to this one case, but never even dreamed of another...would be concerned for the Percula's and/or damsels perhaps.

Of course it could have just been a grouchy speciman also....
Re: New to Saltwater Aquarium Help

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6493864#post6493864 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jcorbitt1
Have 2 False Perucla's,
1 Stars and Stripes Puffer,
4 Blue Damsels.

I am thinking of eventually adding the following
Blue Regal Tang,
Yellow Tang,
Picasso Trigger,
Flame Angel, and
A Large Angel of some kind not sure what yet.

sorry, just to make it easier to read... doing searches on the ADLUT sizes of the fish, heres a break-down:
perculas each get 3 inches-no problem!!!
S&S puffer over 6 inches (over a foot in nature!!! i didn't know that!)
damnsels-get rid of them, about 4-6 inches, each, and nasty!!!

blue tang=a foot
yellow= 8 inches
picasso=10 inches
flame=6 inches
large angels=over a foot.

ok, so thats the breakdown. I'd limit ya to one tang, get rid of the damsels... and THEN ONE MORE fish from your list of biggies. I wouldn't really trust the trigger with a puffer, but thats just me... and you should DEFINATELY get more rock, since half of your fish like to hide, and will act more naturally if you do get more LR for them.

oh, and if you DO decide on ONE tang (think, the yellow-its only 8 inches, and will beable to move around better than a foot long fish in an 18" width) and after ya get rid of the damnsels, I'd suggest chromis. They stay fairly small (4-6") and will fill the gap of the damnsels, although they are a type of damnsel, they are a little less agressive. but that means, no other fish from your biggies list.