Nudibranch ID


New member
Can someone ID this little nudi for me? Is it reefsafe? Does anyone know what it feeds on, sponges, coral, algae or other? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Where did it come from? I've seen similar in the Sea of Cortez...usually just a higher frequency of black dots.
its Hypselodoris sagamiensis eats sponges. They were thought to only be found in japan but a few reports have been made about them in australia
It was a hitchhiker and I am pretty sure it did not come from either Japan or Australia because I don't think we get coral imports from either country. Picture is a little fuzzy but the dots are actually bright blue. Does anyone know if it is possible to keep alive in a reef and can it eat any types of sponges? Thanks for the info so far. I will do a search for Hypselodoris sagamiensis.
The thing is you may not have any coral or rocks from either country but it may have crawled from one rock or coral to another at lfs.
heres a pic I took.
just realized that you actually get the rock imported lol.
But I still think its what you have as obviously I had the one I photographed above.
I first thought it was a colour form of Hypselodoris infucata but Bill Rudman Identified it as Hypselodoris sagamiensis
heres the link to read for yourself

Hope this helps
I think the ID is correct. Most of the corals, live rock, etc. here in the States comes from Fiji, Soloman Islands, Tonga, Indonesia and other Pacific Island countries. I imagine this species, if found in both Japan and Australia, would also be found in all these areas as well. Thank you I appreciate you help. Now I just need to figure out if I want to keep this guy or find another home for it.