Nudi's, God has forsaken me.


New member
Well, I got the one thing I had always really hoped I wouldn't get (no not the clap smart---), nudis. I've been having some stability issues with my tank, after me 2nd and 3rd WOM heater decided to try to electrocute me it took me a few days to tune my heaters, as well as having some pH problems, and having my reactor down. Anyways, I lost my favorite oldest piece, a big orange cap hyperboy had given me. Tissue started receeding in places and despite fragging I lost the whole thing. I looked for nudis, but never saw any, I'm not sure what it was, but a 12" x 12" cap was completely white in 72 hours. Fortunately I have two frags I took a month ago doing great, though Im still heart broken.

Anyways, I haven't added anything to my tank since I got a bunch of montis, one a real cool purple m. confusa. Yesterday I noticed three of the tell tale nudis munching away on a tiny area that is becoming white. I understand there is no way to kill the egss but you can kill them with diluted lugols dips. I'm really worried because my tank is monti dominated.

Can I get some advice on how to mix the dip to kill them? My other question is if I were to take every monti out, every day and dip them, so as to kill all the new borns before they could lay eggs, and keep this up for several weeks and several life cycles could I completely rid them from my system?

Any help appreciated. My much looking frag swapping is obviously on stand by until I can be sure I am giving pest free frags.

Someone shoot me :( I guess I should go to mass tomorow to atone for whatever wrong I'm being punished for.
I think the lugols bottle suggests 40 drops per gallon for a coral dip. i think daily dips might do the coral in if the nudi's don't. then again what do you have to lose they will destroy everything if you don't.

good luck is all I can say
talk to John, i think he got rid of them by dipping and examining the coral everyday and picking off what nudi he could see one by one...he did do this for a while if my memory serves me well
Yeah, I'm just heart broken. Hyper, I got two frags though and one of them is definately yours. Right now they are regisned just to my my confusa. I have a green monti cap that is getting purple edges that has grown like crazy. I'm going to get lugals today I'll keep evveryone posted.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6829474#post6829474 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hyperboy
talk to John, i think he got rid of them by dipping and examining the coral everyday and picking off what nudi he could see one by one...he did do this for a while if my memory serves me well

This is what I had to do..
I got a medium sized green monti from MW and I didnt know but it had a few on it when i bought it. I fragged it as soon as I could and removed the nudis by scraping them off with a knife... I did this everyday for about 2 weeks till there were no more. That was about 5-6 months ago.. I havent seen them since.