October Meeting!!


New member
Sorry for the short notice!!

Our next meeting is sneaking up on us fast!

When: Saturday 10/9
Where: Scott's place, in Medical Lake
Time: 7 PM
Discussion Topic: Testing tank parameters, and troubleshooting coral health

This meeting will be a ton of fun, with a pile of hands on activities. Our challenge, test and evaluate Scott's tank with everything we have, and try to come up with some great ideas on how he can make it better!! He has been seeing slow growth, and poor coloration on his corals for quite some time - check out his 90 gallon tank build thread here to catch up on the details of this setup: http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/...ad.php?t=38172 and here http://spcdareefs.org/forum/index.php?topic=5.0

Bring your test kits, refractometers, PH meters, PAR meters - anything you have! Let's have some fun applying our reef knowledge.

Directions will be sent with next weeks email. Hope to see everyone there!

If you are not receiving the club's emails, and wish to, please let me know and I'll get you added to the mailing list!!
please add me to the mailing list!

it's my screenname and a gmail account.

i'm in pullman, so a good drive away, but i could make the drive every now and then! plus, there are no resources anywhere near here for reefers so i dont mind driving out.
dtran, sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I just noticed your request. I forwarded your request to our club VP. I sent you a PM, also. Hope to see you at a meeting soon!!