Orange-lined basslet


Premium Member
Sorry posted this in the wrong forum; am reposting here:


Henry, hello.

Your article on the genus liopropoma made it easy for me to make the final decision to buy my orange-line basslet (Liopropoma swalesi) and although I've only had him a few days he is already settled in quite nicely making appearances in the shadows and eating prepared foods (there are countless live mysid shrimp in the tank so I suspect he's dining there too :) )

I have a question about other fish sharing my orange-lined's aquarium!

In the article you suggest on your compatability chart for liopropoma that grammas are an excellent tank mate. Yet you also say that other basses are not a good idea.

My confusion arises with the fact that I see the Royal Gramma called a basslet in many places with a warning not to share their space with other basslets.

So, would you recommend a Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)with the liopropoma swalesi?

FYI, I have a 120 gallon tank with SPS and LPS. With a lot of LR with tunnels and caves throughout. My other fish are 5 dispar anthias and four (who said these guys were peaceful? ) blue/green chromis.

Thanks for your advice.

hey steve,

the term "bass" or "basslet" is over used in the hobby. it can be used to refer to any number of fish. IIRC the reeftales column has already featured 4 seperate generas and families that are commonly called basses. it is unfortunate because it does cause some confusion.

i would expect your aquarium to adequately house the gramma and liopropoma species.


Thanks Henry.

...and I am easily confused.

I'll give the liopropoma a couple more weeks to settle in and start the search for a gramma.

Again, thanks. I enjoy your articles.
