Plenum Design

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New member
I want to set up a plenum with live sand and live rock. I have read in various books about using plastic eggcrate with fiberglass screen. I wanted to know if anyone has found a descriptive website and/or book on how to setup a plenum that I could be referred to.
For example, I wanted to know if 1" is adequete for the height of the plenum? What diameter PVC wsas used to support the eggcrate? How is the fiberglass screen attached to the eggcrate? Should the live sand be place on top of this screen or should some other substrate be used and then another fiberglass screen? If some other substrate is used for this first layer what should it be and how deep? How deep should the live sand be?
Thanks for any information.

The best description of plenum construction is on Tom Millers Web Site. I think I used 3/4" plastic pipe, egg crate and
window screen.

Since many of the life in live sand lives in much smaller grain size than is appropriate for Live Sand, The two methods are
fundamentally incompatible. If you want live sand, skip the plenum. If you want the plenum, skip the live sand.

My personal opinion, after reading posts and articles by both Ron S. and Biogeek is that plenums are obsolete. However,
that isn't saying that they couldn't be successful.
Just that Deep Sand Beds are more advantageous.

If you wish to read more about deep sand beds, I have a web page devoted to it at

Good Luck;


If you want to be real adventurous, build your plenum in a sump, or daisy chain it to your tank. This way you can have the best of both worlds. As far as being obsolite, it all I guess depends who you talk to.
Is there any reason to have a plenum if your nitrates are already at zero? I have a regular aragonite sand bed seeded with a little bit of live sand, and I have no detectable nitrogen products.
I'm no pro but I'd say if it ain't broke...

Forgot how to spell no...

[This message has been edited by Targus (edited 12-19-1999).]
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