Possibly tiny octopus?!?


New member
I noticed about four or so of these little guys on my front glass. I couldn't get a good enough pic from the font but there are eight tentacles each with their own tentacle that has a small "ball" at the end. Will somebody please identify this for me?

This pic is from the side panel looking at the front panel of glass.
I noticed about four or so of these little guys on my front glass. I couldn't get a good enough pic from the font but there are eight tentacles each with their own tentacle that has a small "ball" at the end. Will somebody please identify this for me?

This pic is from the side panel looking at the front panel of glass.

Wow that's so awesome, it sure looks like an octopus! I doubt a baby octopus would be out on the glass like that but I am certainly no expert. How big is it? Also, how long have you had the live rock and where did you get it from?
I think realistically it is probably somewhere between a hydroid and a standard jellyfish. Never seen anything like that however.
Wow that's so awesome, it sure looks like an octopus! I doubt a baby octopus would be out on the glass like that but I am certainly no expert. How big is it? Also, how long have you had the live rock and where did you get it from?

I got the rock from the guy I purchased the tank from, the rock is approximately 7 months old and it has a ton of organisms on it. For size comparison all of the little white dots around it are copepods.
Well then that eliminates the octopus idea since it's not fresh out of the open ocean. That's a type of hydroid IMO. They eat copepods, scrape those buggers off the glass everytime you see em. They'll probably go away on their own/not be an issue though.

If the population explodes you may have to do something but I think that's rare. I had some in my frag tank and they went away within a month probably. Had another type in my display that also went away quickly. An octopus would've been cooler!
Not entirely true. There was another guy on here that had an octopus come in on a frag he picked up from his LFS. Unlikely, but totally possible.