Reef research and thermal analysis


New member
Hi, as many of you can probably tell, I'm a very fresh face here. Admittedly, I don't know all that much about reefs in detail but would like to learn more and help save them. I'm not a biologist but I have studied thermophysics and would like to apply my knowledge to help save reefs around the world or at least raise awareness backed up by scientific facts.

I was wondering if researchers have ever done thermophysical research in reefs beyond just measuring temperatures. I would like to find out which components promote temperature changes and how these things can be prevented.

Has anyone done anything like that before?

Thanks in advance for your answers.
Very few if any researchers on here..

Good luck with your quest... Many have tried to raise awareness and actually do something.. But yet the world doesn't seem to care on a global enough scale..

Maybe if you can convince them that the success of their local Starbucks is dependent on healthy reefs you might get somewhere with it.. ;)
That's too bad! I wish there was someone here I could talk to about this.

If there's someone interested in science reading this still, please don't hesitate to contact me. Maybe you're still cautious because I haven't offered much information? Well, let me elaborate on what I'm planning to do.

I'm working on building an international research team that is analysing thermal changes in our reefs. I myself am from South America and am working as a lecturer for thermophysics. Currently, I am looking into differential thermal analysis (here's an explanation) to analyse riverbeds in my region. I'm testing how well this method works with moving water and I would like to apply this technique on reefs as well.

I think that's it so far. I'm still working on recruiting a team so if you're interested, you can pm me here. I'm hesitant to publish my true identity and where I work on a message board, I hope that's understandable.
Hi, as many of you can probably tell, I'm a very fresh face here. Admittedly, I don't know all that much about reefs in detail but would like to learn more and help save them. I'm not a biologist but I have studied thermophysics and would like to apply my knowledge to help save reefs around the world or at least raise awareness backed up by scientific facts.

If you're wanting to "save reefs" but only looking at it from a temperature point of view, reading the following may caution you to look a bit deeper into the subject.

Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching!

The Public Needs Robust Science Regards Coral Bleaching, Not Fearmongering!

How Gaia and Coral Reefs Regulate Ocean pH
