Reef tank update


Active member
For those that know me I have pretty much been keeping a FOWLR tank for the last several years. My work and school has kept me away from doing a reef tank. Several months back I started a reef tank after piecing together everything I needed to get it going. Althought the tank is still young I think it is looking rather good. Here is a couple of pics of it so far. These are about a month ago.





Let's see everyone elses' tank. Post up.
Jason, it does look nice. What size is it? What lighting are you running?


This are mine at the moment. The 120G could be ready to fill as early as this weekend. I'm trying to decide whether I should hold off on filling it until I get the 30G ready and to get them going together. Also, I will be refinishing the hardwood floors in the other 2 bedrooms in the next few weeks. Another reason to potentially hold off.

Then again, I already have powerheads and heaters running in the garage keeping my rock alive. Might as well run those things in the house instead. :)
I'm running 4x110w VHO on the reef tank. It seems to do well under that lighting. 2 day, 2 actinic. Corals seem happy.

Your tank is looking really good. I'd go ahead and get some water in that tank and get it cycling if I were you. Just put some water, a heater and a powerhead in there, at least it would look better this way, than in the garbage can.
these builds remind me of somthing my mrs once said..

i should have gone bigger.

talking about our 75...
Ah, everything has pros and cons. You get more options with livestock, but your paying more for the equipment, power, water, salt, etc. I have seen some sweet nano's that would completely keep me entertained.

That being said if I ever move I hope to get a Perfecto Deep Dimension 300G (72 X 36 X 27H) with access to a tank room. If not the 300G, maybe a Elos Mini. :D
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Looking good!

Looking good!

All is looking great with your setup Jason....

And Carb's empty tanks even look good considering that SW poster. :strooper: haha
The purple isn't aggressive at all towards its current tankmates. But if I try to add new ones it is all out war.
Is that a monster Chromis you have pictured?

I would love to get a Purple Tang but I'm concerned with the aggression of all the fish on my list. Those include

Purple Tang
Tomini or Kole Yellow Eye
Cinammon Clown Pair
Flame Wrasse
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
Midas Blenny