Snail ID - Are these Nassarius or Babylonian?


New member
Hey guys, I originally posted this on the "New to Hobby" board but was told I'd have *way* better luck getting an answer here :)

I bought some "Nassarius Snails" from a LFS the other week, however I noticed that some of them were colored differently than my previous nassarius snails and had "creamier" colored shells as well as dark bodies (a couple of them are also very large, over an inch in length). I've only recently learned of "Babylonian Snails" which are often sold as "Fancy/Speckled Nassarius Snails" and am now worried that I unleashed a bunch of predatory snails into my tank, especially since my nassarius snail population seems to have shrunk over the past couple of weeks.

A couple of lone pictures (this is not the "giant" one I mentioned, he must be buried in the aragonite somewhere :p):


A side-by-side photo with a "regular" nassarius:

I also realize I may just be overly paranoid here and that they just may be a different species of nassarius and are "good" snails, however there seems to be about 10+ snails that have gone missing since adding these newer ones (unless they're hiding out in the back where I can't see them :p) and I just don't think my 3 blue legged hermits could've taken that many nassarius out while leaving all of my astrea snails alone. :p

More than just killing off my real Nassarius snails, I'm worried that if it is the predatory variety that they will also deplete my sand bed leaving my Diamond Goby SOL (though he readily eats frozen food, flakes, chunks of nori and pellets... Pretty much any non-living edible thing that floats by him).

Those in your pic are actually Nassarius snails. There are a couple of closely-related species that look like yours, but I've never heard of them being accused of objectionable behavior. If you find the bigger one, post it and I'll ID it for you.

Those in your pic are actually Nassarius snails. There are a couple of closely-related species that look like yours, but I've never heard of them being accused of objectionable behavior. If you find the bigger one, post it and I'll ID it for you.


Awesome, thank you!
I personally haven't seen any objectionable behavior that something like a whelk or Babylonian might incur, just my nassarius snail population seemingly diminishing (though I counted two more this morning than last night, so they may be hiding somewhere in the back or under my lace-rock's caverns :p). I was just alarmed when I read about Babylonian snails often being sold as a type of nassarius and given the LFS in question track-record as-of-late I became concerned, especially given the color variance and different colored shells on a few of them.
I'll try and snap a picture of the large one if I see him tonight, but he does look like the one in the picture just with an extremely cream-colored shell and larger body.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="snails good or bad sps 2 photo snailsgoodorbad.jpg"/></a>

AND these? safe? id please
these do not get big.. but i have seen plently in my tank .. they come running if a piece of shrimp is rubber banded to a rock for the fish to eat..

thank you