Snails & Crabs order


New member
Hey all, I'm going to order some snails and crabs from this site...

Anybody want to order anything? Their prices are awesome right now, lots of BOGO free critters. I would like to order Sunday so it gets shipped Monday and gets here Tuesday. Thanks,

hope your feeling better

hope your feeling better

i need 200 pepermint shrimp if you can deliver them to my door personally by wens. LOL.
Ha! Ha!:spin1: Miss You Rocky! When are ya'll moving back?

I 'll take a total of 20 Nassarius Snails, and one Sand-sifting star if the shipping is free.

Okay Janie, got you down for 40 turbos, 20 nassarius and one sand sifting star. That will get us into free shipping range with what Mark wants too. I will order Sunday, or Monday and let you know what I place it and when it'll be here.

Anybody else need anything?

Fidel A.K.A. Fcamdog
Order has been placed. They are supposed to call me when they fill it, before shipping. As soon as I hear from them I'll call you both. Thanks,
