South Florida Reefers community forums


In Memoriam
I have just started a community forums for South Florida Reefers. I am hoping to bring together many South Florida Reef aquarists to chat, help eachother and hopefully plan events such as frag swaps, etc. I am new to the online reefing community and have been into reef tanks for a little over a year now and decided maybe I should start a forum based on the locals of the south florida.

Please check out the forums when you have a chance:

Oh, btw, I will be looking for moderators once the forums grows a bit, I purchased the domain name and downloading IPB forums to use with the site, I have some of my own hosting right now, so this is where I am stashing some of the images for the forums right now. You guys are actually allowed to upload onto the forums though, pretty big sizes too, I was suprised. Next thing I am going to do is remove those google ads, they are getting annoying, lol. I would have to pay 5$ for it, so I am going to wait til I put some more money in the paypal account.

-Mike aka ZURC
P.S. This is not a club, just a community forums for ALL of south florida to unite.
We need to get some more people, I was actually suprised to see that 8 people have already registered and we got some posts going, hopefully we can get some more people to join up and start making this an active south florida reefing site. I ask anyone to please join up and start posting up!

-Mike aka ZURC
Hello everyone. I'm intrested in joining but having the same trouble I assume as True Percula. Everytime I click the says the board does not exist