Tat's Grand Opening

have fun out there everybody. wish i could be there but i have to work :(
leave some gobies for me :p
hey greg have a safe trip --- we left after 1 last night --- heading in now to make sure all is ready -- talk to ya when u get back
great day thanks to all who came to the opening--- just getting home now after going to a nice dinner and talking with walt smith about corals --- hope all that did not make it today can come by on sunday everything is still on sale ---- so come on by
I just heard about this place, and wanted to know a few things.

is it a big place?

What does it have to offer?

Are the prices good?
It's a good sized store, half is dry goods and the other half is livestock. It offers unique fish like hard to find wrasses , rare sps and lps. It has the largest selection of echinophyllias, blastos and acanthastreas that I have ever seen in one store. The prices are reasonable and they offer frags . Its really worth seeing. Everytime I go in there I see something I've never seen before , last time it was a bright pink polyped cyphastrea decadia.
Oh cool I think I am going to check it out. What other fish store in so cal would you compare it too? Tongs? or Aquatic Outlet?
I would compare it to Tongs but Tats has a larger selection of unique livestock. Let us know what you think. If your into taking photos you should def. bring a camera.
Well, I think I am going to moorpark this weekend so its not that much farther from tat's so I am going to check it out this weekend. I would like to bring a camera, but I feel like such a geek doing that. What are their hours on saturdays?
I think its 9-7 but you may want to give them a ring, the # is on the prev. page. Gee a fellow fishhead feeling like a geek? - no couldnt be
Im going tommorrow, before I go, do they have a website?

Are there any sales going on right now?
O last thing, Do they have established livesand? like the kind where you can get like whatever amount you want out of a huge bucket thing thats attached to their whole system?
I think he offers a discount to reefclubs like MASLAC, you may want to ask. I dont think they have a website. They do have lots of live rock but I'm not sure about live sand. How much live sand do you need?