The Journey - 300+ Gallon System Build - Picture Heavy


My photography skills just went into remission.

I am not worth of holding a camera.

NICE pics.

My photography skills just went into remission.

I am not worth of holding a camera.

NICE pics.

I have seen your picture, and this statement is simply not true. You are fine photographer Thanks for the compliment.

Nice looking corals! What camera are you using?

Thanks. I was using my Canon Canon EOS REBEL T3 with a EF-S55-250mm lens. I had that lens modified with a macro extension tube. My settings were iso at 1600, shutter 1/50 sec, f 6.3. The only editing done in Lightroom was a white balance adjustment.
Just wait until the new 265 come up.

Granted for the first few pages you will have to watch the setup videos and all. LOL

THEN the pictures will come into play!!!
Really awesome pictures! This build will be awesome!

Thanks so much. I am glad you have enjoyed it, I have certainly enjoyed putting it together.

Wow - dream tank. Not to mention your photo-skills! Continue posting!

Thank you sir. It is certainly a dream tank for me. Regarding photo skills....I am still behenid many here on RC.

Those are some nice macro shots you have there. Great work. That's why I will leave that to the pros.

Pros? No way Wayne photography has your name written all over it. Given your persistent you would be on a maganize within the year!

Also as point of interest, I may go dive the Hydro in Pompano near the end of Feb. Its a very cool wreck. I will try to get some good video to share with you.

OK So what is next in your list of things to get done?

So much..... I have paused for the moment. I have a interview at a Physician Assistant school next week and have been preparing heavy. My short list is:

Replace UV bulb
Improve QT
Replace RO filter
Build Brine Shrimp Hatchery
Install my wife refugium
so on and so on
I just spent a couple hours perusing this thread and let me tell you I dream of a setup like this. I am not at a point in my life where this is feasible or financially wise. It gives me inspiration to see builds like this (and something to keep me patient so I can do it right).

Your build is a lot like how I expect mine to go. A lot of trial and error with plumbing as the part where I get myself the most confused. I am an engineer but hydrodynamics and fluid behavior are not something I grasp well.

Your bookcase stand was gorgeous though and an inspiration that I will definitely be hanging on to!
Wow, some really nice pictures on the previous pages. I'm not quite there yet. :)

Thanks so much....I am glad you stopped by. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share.

I just spent a couple hours perusing this thread and let me tell you I dream of a setup like this. I am not at a point in my life where this is feasible or financially wise. It gives me inspiration to see builds like this (and something to keep me patient so I can do it right).

Your build is a lot like how I expect mine to go. A lot of trial and error with plumbing as the part where I get myself the most confused. I am an engineer but hydrodynamics and fluid behavior are not something I grasp well.

Your bookcase stand was gorgeous though and an inspiration that I will definitely be hanging on to!

I hear exactly what you are saying. I spent hours upon hours reading other build thread just dreaming of the day I could build a larger setup. It was a day come true when I felt I could post in the glorious "œLarge Reef Tank" section. Regarding plumbing, I wish I had organized mine a bit better. Other just manage to keep it looking so clean. I learned from this build and would change a few things, but I am very happy with my setup. So you are an engineer, and you are concerned with plumbing? I feel the same way some times about some of the chemistry. I am have a degree in Biochemistry and Biophysics, yet some of the reactions in the tank escape me. Funny how that works. I need to work in a marine chemistry research lab for a year, but I don't think my current lifestyle would appreciate a 52 weeks without pay. Hahahaha

PS: I owe the bookcase style idea to my wife.
Well I spent my day looking at a reef just not mine. My son is no longer impressed by my tank....Thanks Sea World.

<a href="" title="Untitled by elitecoral, on Flickr"><img src="" width="600" height="800" alt="Untitled"></a>

<a href="" title="Untitled by elitecoral, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="600" alt="Untitled"></a>

<a href="" title="Untitled by elitecoral, on Flickr"><img src="" width="600" height="800" alt="Untitled"></a>

<a href="" title="Untitled by elitecoral, on Flickr"><img src="" width="600" height="800" alt="Untitled"></a>
You think they will let me have this frag?

<a href="" title="Untitled by elitecoral, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="600" alt="Untitled"></a>

<a href="" title="Untitled by elitecoral, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="600" alt="Untitled"></a>
Looks like I might have a new build ahead of me!
