Transportation Stress


New member
I have read that clownfish will stop the spawning cycle and restart a few months later if they have to be shipped (or moved at all). Is this true? Is there any typ of fish who's spawning cycle would not be disrupted or only disrupted for less than a month when moved? I realize this might be unrealistic, just checking.
One HOPES the spawning cycle restarts in a few months. Some clowns are more touchy than others.

OTOH, my tank-raised ocellaris clowns never miss a beat, except once they skipped a few spawns while I had them in hypo to treat some sort of nemotode the female had. Moved back to the main tank, they restarted spawning in days -- to the day in sync with their old schedule!

When I moved my yellow watchman goby pair, they did not miss a spawn.

Of course, shipping is another animal altogether.
Wilkerson mentions in her book that she purchased a mated pair of maroons online and when they arrived at her house, they had spawned on the side of the bag!
Bump...I ask the question because for the final term of my senior year I get to drop all of my classes and study a topic of my choice. I was thinking of researching marine fish breeding, write a 15 page paper on the topic, and try to raise a species myself (of fish or possibly shrimp). I have to meet with my advisor tommorow to run ideas by him, and I would like to know if there is any possible way to get a pair of fish or shrimp to spawn two months or less after shipping. Thanks for the help.
Oh man am I jealous. I wish I could get some kind of credit for all the work I am doing to get this going...
Well fed and conditioned dragonettes may spawn right away. My YWG's spawned for the first time 30 days after I paired them.

However, I think your best bet for a successful experiment is find a local person with pair of spawning clowns (or other fish), and try to raise those eggs.
Would it be possible to raise someone else's eggs, and if so, how sensitive are they as I would be moving them from someone else's tank to my own (sensitivity to temp changes). Thanks for the help.

And yes, I am pretty lucky to have this opputrtunity.
Depends in the species. A good cooler and a battery operated air pump will probably suffice for transport, then acclimate.