Two Questions! First anemones and clowns


New member
Hello reefers,

Today is an exciting day and I need advice from you all if you don't mind.

1. A friend of mine has tons of Bubble Tip Anemones and he is bringing me several today. My aquarium is nearing 9 months old and has no corals in it. I moved them so I could make this Reefer 350 a clown harem tank. He is bringing me 3 anemones, but was unable to get them off the rock so he is bringing that too. What challenges do I face here? His tank is years old, but I'm nervous about adding rock from a different tank to my own. What would you all recommend?

2. I have two clownfish in that tank already. One is a hybrid of a Percula and a Snowflake. Her mate swam into a pump and died, so now her companion is a little ocellaris. I'd prefer to leave them be, but I want the anemones to get used to things without being bugged by the clowns. Also when I add my harem, I've been told best experience says to add all from the same clutch at the same time. Would it be best to move my current clowns to another tank and just add the harem all at once or would it be okay? The harem will be all snowflake or ocellaris.

I really appreciate any advice you guys can give. Thanks for your time!
Keep in mind BTA is not a natural host match for occs and percs, so often it takes them a good bit longer to recognize them, so a good chance your existing won't even bother the new nems at first, and possibly a long time, months.

For a harem, it needs to be juvies from same clutch, maybe your existing pair might be ok, at first, or the female may not like the juvies added, it's hard to say.

I would think long term most likely it would result in issues, even harems from same clutch can have some pecking off.

Adding rock from another tank, good if established and pest free, just depends how other reefer kept tank or how lucky he was avoiding typical pest issues like aptasia and the like.
Anemones move around. Make sure you have anenomes guards on circulation pumps or you may loose your tank. Anemones and pumps don’t get along unless you take precautions.
Clownfish do not form harems. The dominant fish if always a female with a subordinate male mate. The rest of the clowns in the anemone will be small juveniles. Centropyge and wrasses form harems. The dominant fish is always a male that breeds with several female. I believe Anthias also form harems.