Updates 10/11/06 (Includes Robs store)


New member
Hey all,

Busy month I am having so far :) Here's the scoop:

I have been working diligently on the NMOK newsletter and I am about 2-3 days away from having the first few proofs printed, I will have them at the next meeting. If anybody has any content they would like to see included, shoot me a PM and I will pop it in. So far I have the following:

Main Story: Currently the "History of the Marine Aquarium" Looking for ideas.
Tank of the month: I need tank specs for this one
Tips and Tricks: "Winter prep and proper heater wattage per gallon"
Newbie corner: Still blank
Store Locator

I have enough room for another small section, so bring the articles! :)

I have been talking with Rob from "You know where" and things are going good. Everything is lined up and I am going to register the domain today or tomorrow. we are working on a fancy system, so expect a huge change for the better in the very near future. So don't give up everything is looking GREAT!!!

I will post more info as soon as I am allowed to disclose it. :D