WANTED: Dual input Temperature controller with alarm


New member
I recently moved and am setting up my tank again, having a hard time getting stable temp. between my 2 heaters, not sure why... It was fine before. I'm thinking of getting a controller that takes 2 heater inputs with an alarm. I see this one but there's no reviews. Any suggestions?

Also just a general Forum question. I don't like starting a new post, would rather reply to others, but the post I replied to isn't showing up at the top of the list. Do these have to get approved? I think forums work better if people search/reply rather than create new posts all the time, because most of the answers can be found in previous posts.
Are the 2 heaters used?
If so are they digital or analog? Might be an issue with one of them, especially if analog & used. Ive had a used analog go bad on me before.
Im a fan of digital, more reliable & no moving parts etc. A heater controller will protect against a heater that won't shut down & some do come with an alarm as well as an outlet for a fan which can be nice if a light needs cooling in Summer over the tank.
The Inkbird has decent revues that would let you know which one may be faulty if overheating is the issue. If not heating enough then new heaters may be required unless the new location has broad room temp swings.

You have low posts, that is the reason your having an issue i believe. You can read more about this by going to the top of the page & click on my RC or type in min posts in search & it will show what you need to know. Good luck with the heaters.