water changes in a QT


New member
First off I want to say thank you for the wonderful article. I had to QT my fish about 4-5 months back and lost all but one in the process because of mistakes I made throughout the time I had then in QT. These mistakes have been made clear to me since and I knew which mistakes I made but not completely how to fix them for next time.

After reading your article I feel that I have a much greater knowledge of what I will be doing next time I do QT.

The question that I have is that you did not mention water changes in your article. Are water changes necessary on a regular basis or are they only to be used if the tank parameters are getting out of control.

Thank you again, and I look forward to reading your next article.
Regular water changes are always a good idea; 5-10% per week. Why wait until things get out of control? IMHO, it is a lot easier to do a little preventative maintenance instead of trying to fix things once they've gone bad.
I agree that they are good, I just don't know what the rule is for how often.
I've heard everything from 5-10% daily to 5-10% weekly . . .
just trying to figure out where to draw the line.
There isn't really an exact answer -- it depends on the bioload of the tank. I think it is more important to do regular water changes with smaller tanks, as problems can develop much more quickly than with large tanks.
Just as their is no one answer for how often or how much of a water change to perform on your display, I can't give you a set rule for the same in a quarantine tank. Really, it comes down to what works best for your and your animals.