Welcome to Memphis Area Reef Society (MARS)


Reef Guru
Thanks for checking out the new MARS forum on Reef Central. It is my vision to have a forum that is more involved, has more interest and posts, more activity, and will have information about the new elite Reef Society in the Memphis Area. The society membership will be free for a limited time. PM me with your info to join if you have not done so on Facebook, or do not have Facebook access. I will mail you your membership card, a MARS newsletter, and the new issue of Reef Hobbyist Magazine. Within this organization, I strive to bring you the latest up to date info on marine wildlife, the ocean, and anything saltwater hobbyist related. Join us on here or on Facebook, and I hope to make this a very active and involved society. There will be many giveaways, prizes, and value for the members. :) In fact, by joining our Facebook page, you will be entered into a drawing for a free brand new LED lighting unit, only available to the first 100 Facebook members of the page. More details on membership value and benefits to come soon.

Here is the link to the Facebook page:

For those of you that have messaged me or contacted me with questions, the answer of how MARS is different from other 'reef clubs' is that we are not really a reef club 'per se'. We are a society of marine enthusiasts with many different marine interests, and it will be different that a standard "reef club". There will be different topics, more activity, and a whole different structure model. This is still in the works of the overall scheme of things, it will be evolving with input from our Society members, local reef stores, nationwide Marine groups, and the internet. It will be fluid and evolving for the rest of the year as we grow, and that is why membership to the Society is free until the end of the year (2013). At that point, Jan 1 2014, you can look at the Society, judge whether or not you feel there is any value in it for you, and whether it is something you would like to continue to be a part of. I have gotten lots of feedback from Memphis area people over the last few years on their wants and needs, and we plan to grow this into a Society that meets your goals, interests and needs. Please pass along any feedback that you would like. Ideas and thoughts are welcomed. As I said, we are growing and are fluid at this point. More details to come. Join now while its free. :)