who uses flash?

I don't typically recommend novice users to use flash. If you use flash incorrectly, the resulting photo looks flat and washed out.

If you're going to use flash, you should use it off camera and pay particular attention to lighting angles and ratios.
sometimes, depending on the location or lighting that is available to use. 95% of the time i don't.
Macros, I do.
Right now, i'm just using the built in flash on my D70s. Thinking about getting the SB800 soon
i like to use a flash for a lot of aquarium photography- but definitely not with acros. with almost all acros you end up with brown [not realistic] colors from the flash. for clams, lps, crabs and shrimp and fish the flash can help you a lot. especially when you have the lens very close to the subject-- where you need to use small apertures to get decent depth of field. those small apertures require long shutter speeds (unless you use a flash) and in an aquarium long shutter speeds are problematic.
gho said:
the resulting photo looks flat and washed out.

This type of picture is very easy to take with the built in flash on my camera. :lol:

I have just started tying some off camera flash shots. I think it is fairly important to block the built in flash on the camera from getting to the subject, but still allow the off camera flash to see it.
I have a hard time taking pictures of my tank because I don't like to use the flash at all. Do you guys worry about stressing out the fish when using a flash?
AcroSteve said:
I have just started tying some off camera flash shots. I think it is fairly important to block the built in flash on the camera from getting to the subject, but still allow the off camera flash to see it.

Actually if you use an off camera flash in "natural" position (from the top shooting down), the on board flash (trigger) can be used fine, there wont be problems. It's only when it's the ONLY source that you get wrong colors and glare.
My camera gets noisy over ISO 100 so I have to use flash sometimes. I have a couple of studio strobes w/ optical slave circuits. It takes some experimentation to eliminate glare and get the correct exposure... but it's the only way to get some shots. Fish move!

I flashed the crap out of my freshwater tank and the fish didn't seem to care at all. I had one strobe pointing straight down, and another one coming in from the side. The top light did most of the work though. (I did block the on-camera flash as the previous poster described.)
i see no reaction from most fish- every once in a while a fish will bolt a few inches but after that it's impossible to tell if it even noticed. so no, i don't think it bothers the fish.
I use flash most of the time when macro'ng, but I shoot mostly insects and not tanks.

Flash is almost indespensible when photographing at high magnifications, I used to do without flash and the photos are not as sharp (motion blur, even on tripod), and DoF is too shallow most of the time.

On camera flash can be used effectively if you diffuse it with a piece of translucent white plastic or a sheet of white paper. I did that for a while until I got a 580ex, it worked very well!
I used to hate using flashes until I started to use them properly, now I rarely shoot without it. I don't always carry a flash with me but I keep DIY diffusers in each camera bag. They can also help reflect the on-board flash up to a slave unit.

As Luis mentioned, if you don't have an off-camera flash, a diffuser will certainly turn a near useless on-board flash into a usable one. Priceless for indoor shots...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6089353#post6089353 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by this is me
Macros, I do.
Right now, i'm just using the built in flash on my D70s. Thinking about getting the SB800 soon

Stop thinking and just do it :)

Seriously, since I got my SB800 at Christmas, I rarely shoot my aquarium without it.

Although if you're into macro, you might want to look into the SB-R200s... http://www.nikonusa.com/template.php?cat=1&grp=4&productNr=4804
I use flash all the time even when taking photos of bugs in bright day light. If you can get correct white balance the quality of the photo with flash is 100% better than without flash. Before I got my self a flash I thought my camera or lenses were bad, I could not get a decent picture, but with flash the details on my macros were amazing. I use diffuser with my flash all the time. The direct flash light is too harsh.
I use several flashes set to contrast control for macro photography. I use manual settings on my slr and use the flash mainly for fill (slow shutter speed (<60 sec. exposure) and low flash settings. All flashes are used off camera and I will use several tripods and various gadgets for positioning the flashes. ....Jim Z.