This place is like a drug!


New member
I hope I am not the only one that feels this way.

I mean I have blown off my girlfriend so I could finish reading an 80 page thread before. Today I have been at work for about 6 1/2 hours and probably worked an hour. The rest of the time I have been reading up on LED lights. And this is coming from a guy who doesn't even have an aquarium. Just purely research and reading right now.

I can only imagine what it will be like once I start to gather equipment and supplies.

Please tell me I am not the only one like this!:spin1:
HAHA, yeah, it's just you. I get into internet arguments with people I don't know over tangs and tank sizes. And I'm talking HEATED debates. But yes overall, this hobby is addicting. To justify 'that next reef purchase', I tell my old lady that I could have been addicted to crack - so which would she prefer. She usually says crack, and says it would have been cheaper! LOL
its very addicting, as you read more and more the excitement gets greater and once you make that first purchase, your in it for good. its a very rewarding hobby as you watch your stuff grow everyday. my old lady get mad at me sometmes cuz i just want to read about something when she wants to go somewhere
the wife says to me why are your eyes all bloodshot and glassy.........i've been staring at the tank for two hours
Very addictive, there is just so much great info and informed peoplen here. You could read up on any aspect of reef tanks for hours and still not even scratch the surface.
I wear my blackberry battery down by lunch time everyday just reading on RC.
I have a wall charger and car charger at work so I can keep reading. Lol
I admire your honesty! I disagree that the so called "RC user addict" should seek treatment. The connotations with the word "addict" are less than good. I see it like a dependence! Unless of course the user has signs or symptoms of SPS withdrawl including both positive signs of frequent mass fraggings of colonies and excessive white adhesive residue on one's non-dominant hand then it is wrong to categorize as an addiction. Dependence is not the same as addiction! Your spouse is the one that just needs counseling on the true benefits of attaining those colorful sticks and rocks each month. The only side effects I 've heard so far are the injected eyes, lack of cooperation, decreased ability to concentrate on non-reef related concepts, dirty dishes, and withdrawn behavior. DUDE, there is NO problem with you! The problem lies within the ignorance of those close to you! I understand at least one RC user admitted to decreased libido... That is possible I guess. If I sense that I am done with posting!
HAHAHa. Honestly, by not being really active in the forum it helped me save a lot of money. I used to be on every day constantly. The same with my350z forums, once I stopped going on, I started saving money.

The more you learn, the more you want to do. I started w/ a 60g, went to 24G Nano Reef w/ 100G FOWLR. Its amazing how much information is on this forum.
and excessive white adhesive residue on one's non-dominant hand then it is wrong to categorize as an addiction.

Thats the best line ever. I couldn't stop laughing at that. Because its so true, I always mix the epoxy with my left hand so I don't get it all over my right hand. So when I am ready to mount the frag I don't get it all over the frag with my right hand. So when I'm done my left hand is covered in it :lol:
Nope no addicts here

Nope no addicts here

At least not any that show up in the firewall( that I control :)) logs :p:smokin:
I mean I have blown off my girlfriend so I could finish reading an 80 page thread before.

I admit I have done that with hubby. Thankfully he is very understanding with my obsessions. To let me read means he will have my undivided attention afterwards, plus one or the other benefit *coughs* because he knows I wish to make up for the "lost" time. :p
This place is like a drug!

Just remember one thing about drugs. You can get good stuff and you can get bad stuff, same as the info on here. Most people genuinely post to try to help each other on here, But some will post thinking they are doing good and not realize they are giving bad info. Keep researching as you are doing and good luck with your future tank
Before I got into this hobby, I was never on the puter and my wife had it all to herself for the most part, not anymore though lol. I am in about four forums and it takes me about 1 1/2 hours to go thru all of them after work to see whats happened during the day and then I have to go thru them again to see what was posted while I spent 1 1/2 hours going thru them the first time.