lights on 24/7


New member
Does anyone run their lights 24/7? Maybe at night only run blue?

I was thinking maybe it could help photosynthesis happen constantly which i think helps ph or some other thing.

I had a,freshwater tank and firgit to turn the lights off some nights and my fish sleep fine

I have t5 tek 4x32 if tht helps
No you will get an algae problem big time. I run my t5 for 10 hrs with my MH in the middle of that cycle for 4 hrs.
Photosynthesis is an interesting thing. Plants and other photosynthetic creatures actually need darkness for 12 hrs to help offset the 12 hr of light. It gets complicated, but running your light 24hrs is much worse than just algae and provides no extra help for photosynthetic life forms. As for night lights, if they are dim enough, you can run them for aesthetic qualities, but it won't help grow plants or corals.