From too much dusting on the glass, to a lush dark green cyano carpet....

Hi all,

So something is my tank is making it so that all fish I add die within a week except 1 sturdy clown. Now that is a a whole other discussion, but because of this the only thing i could think off, after testing all my params (which were fine) was too low oxygen.

Therefore I drastically increased flow and moved the wavemaker higher to get more surface agitation (not i have a AIO with no skimmer). Now this didnt help with the fish matter, but before i was getting insane amounts of algae on the glass (think having to scrape every 12-24 hours), which has now stopped. In return, I got back a thick cyano carpet on my sandbed. I just pulled a lot off (which was very satisfying to to as it just came off the sand like a peel), so I can't show any pics as my dumb ass didnt take any before pics. So why do i think its cyano? It started red in patches, but then these patches where quickly obliterated by the green variant which is very dark green, carpets and has bubbles trapped under it.

Ill make sure to snap a pics when its back, because im sure it will.

My question is, why? I am running on low nutrients since i only have 1 fish left and dont dare to add more. I dose nitrate so it stays above 0 but below 4ish. Then my phosphate is 0.018, which should be in the right range if im correct?

Also since this stuff starting grwoing expontially, i saw that my zoas and leathers closed up and haven't really opened. My Torches are open, but not as much.

Anyone knows whats going on and how to help me?
This is a tough one. But, I'm wondering if (possibly) some toxin is getting into the tank.
Phosphate looks a little low to me. I believe most shoot for somewhere between .03-.1.

As for corals not opening, could be the increase in flow or a toxin.

Perhaps running carbon or maybe an ICP test may shed some clarity.