6-line wrasse...demon of the sandbed?

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New member

I read your response advising against the 6-line wrasse. I have a 90 gallon tank with 6" of substrate and 130 lbs of live rock. Can the one little wrasse really do that much damage to my sandbed? Should I take him back to the LFS?

Now, how do you pronounce that again?

Reefgal in the desert
I don't know but I'm really depressed now after reading that other post. I've got a cute little six-line in my quarantine tank now waiting to go into my reef tank. I can see how it will eat tube worms off the LR and LS fauna from the surface layer of sand, but there's so much life deeper down in the sand, how could it get to it to eat it?
Hi Folks,

As the old saying goes, "You pays your money and you takes your chances."

As I said I wouldn't have one in my tank.

Cheers, Ron
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