a great start

Re: Possible Club

Re: Possible Club

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9513127#post9513127 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefbanger
As opposed to annual elections, whoever had the idea to start it up could just make themself "President for Life" and then pick a few friends to call officers.

Takes the hassle out of worrying about opinions or input from others.

Hmmmm, that sounds like a great plan. OK....everybody now has to start calling me Bill Clinton. :)

Hopefully, something like that will never happen here. If anyone ever wants to "take control" or thinks that approach is peachy, then just hit up RC to start your very own message board. Trust me - it's easy enough to do.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9517227#post9517227 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lee_Bay

Kentucky Reef Aquarium Club
:rollface: :eek1:

You are going to think I'm kidding, but I actually thought about that one (now that goes to show you my sick sense of humor). There are lots of obviously appropriate letters that would be useful in forming a neat acronym. A, C, E, K, N, O, R, S, V (Association, Club, Enthusiasts, Ky, Northeast, Ohio, Reef, Saltwater, Valley) - plus so many others. And there are some good ones in there! :)

I just got stuck on the NKRA and my modified bumper sticker. Sorry you think I'm a redneck Amy, but I've never pretended to be otherwise! hehe You guys will think I'm kidding until you pull in the parking lot at our first meet/swap.

I'll be in the car with the bumper sticker that formerly said "I'm the NRA, and I vote". The modified sticker will read "I'm the NKRA, and WE vote".

And if that doesn't sound good to y'all....remember, I'm BILL CLINTON (never mind the cigar and feather)!! :bum: