Another local SPS tank

Jacob D

New member
I recently had the opportunity to meet Ming (kangym here on RC) and see his beautiful SPS tank in Modesto. Not being one to boast, Ming has managed to keep his tank under the radar for some time. Thanks to Abe (reefgeek 31) the beans are now spilled :)

Going from mental notes it was a custom built 200 gallon, 60" wide by 30" deep (front to back), I believe the height was 24 inches. Lighting was an ATI 10x48" T5 fixture. For flow he had 4x Vortec pumps as well as the return pump. In the back I noted an H&S Skimmer and a few reactors.

I'm not usually a fan of the 'wall of coral' look but Ming has definitely done it right! The right side of his tank is dominated by relatively large SPS colonies grown and moved over from a previous system. The left side consisted of younger colonies of collectible SPS (Pink Lemonade, Red Planet, Oregon Tort, ORA Echinata to name a few). The colors in his tank reminded me of Iwan's tank, and is a look that I now associate with strongly lit T5 tanks.

This is one of the nicer SPS tanks that I have seen, and it has potential to get even better as the colonies continue to grow out. Ming was kind enough to allow me to take a few pictures, I should have focused on what I was doing a little more most of these were shot wide open and don't offer much depth of field. I hope I can do the tank some justice but it really has to be seen in person to be fully appreciated.

Overall Perspective
<a href="" title="2009-05_1287 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1287 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

Left Side
<a href="" title="2009-05_1255 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1255 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

<a href="" title="2009-05_1261 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1261 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

Right Side
<a href="" title="2009-05_1252 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1252 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

A few misc shots
<a href="" title="2009-05_1279 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1279 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

<a href="" title="2009-05_1272 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1272 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

<a href="" title="2009-05_1277 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1277 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

<a href="" title="2009-05_1250 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1250 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>

<a href="" title="2009-05_1262 533x800 by Dinardi Family, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="533" alt="2009-05_1262 533x800" style="border:4px solid #000;"/></a>
If I glued all my frags together, I think I'd have 1/10th of the smallest coral in that tank....if your tank sucks Jeff, GEEZ my BLOWS ;)
Wow!!! This tank is awesome! The corals are so colorful and nicely grown out. I agree TOTM!!!!!!

Really though, crazy to think this treasure is within' the NVR area. Makes you wonder what other tanks are out there! :)
Absolutely stunning. I would love to hear more about the bulbs he's using and the placement.

Wow is right. I wish my tank was that good. Right now my tank has been neglected and lost alot of corrals. I need to get back into it again.

I probably have a few more pics I can post but I need some time to look at them.

What else can I tell you guys about it... hmmm... for fish he had a decent bioload due to all of the tangs. I noticed a Yellow, Blue, Purple, Kole, and Powder Blue. There were also a couple of large wrasses, a maroon clown, and perhaps some others. Consistent good husbandry and time is what produced this tank. Keeping the water clean, lots of flow, and lots of light seems to be the simple recipe for success. Of course it's easier to said then done!

Ming had an Apogee PAR meter and some of the PAR numbers coming off that T5 array were very impressive! I don't want to post second hand info which I'll get wrong so I'll just reserve that for him. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to convince him to test my lighting with his meter :D

As far as more information about the setup, I don't have much... maybe the owner will visit this thread at some point.
Wow! This is my new model Tank. Geez, talk about being under the radar! Stealth more like. Hey Ming! Beautiful Tank.
Thank you guys for the kind words. I am kangym from Modesto.

Thank you Jacob for sparing time to take photos and showing me the "reeflection" images of the tank. Par meter is always available, but please share and post your reading here:

I still think I am very lucky to keep my tank at this level. I am truly flattered for your compliment. But again, thank you guys for the encouragement.
Ming as a person and his tank can only be understood in person.
The pics are beautiful but still a picture.
brianbigoats Ming is who I tried to introduce you to at the Auction after you where done talking to Tyree. Someone needs to get some Macro pics of this tank. I think it should be pushed to this months tank of the month. I might be a little Biased though.
I think a comment like that coming from poletti says a lot don't you Ming?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15123880#post15123880 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
That is an awe inspiring tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15123880#post15123880 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
That is an awe inspiring tank.

Thanks mpoletti. Just like reefgeek31 said, compliment from you means a lot to me. I am your big fan. I always dream of setting up a tank with LE only. But after seeing you tank, I think my 265G is totally a mess. We are in different league.