Any Pictures You Dont Mind Me Using?


New member
Hello all, I am doing a DVD for a university project and need some fairly good quality images of fish (it is for a Fish ID section). I have another post requesting tangs and have had great responces. I still need pictures of a lot of other fish like Gobies, Clownfish everything!

I nor anyone else will be making money with your photos, this is just to get me a good mark for my degree. If you have any pictures you don't mind me using, please post them or tell me I can use certain ones from your gallery etc.

Anything is greatly appreciated. I will credit you as the photographer on the DVD and provide you a link to download the final product.

Thanks ever so much!!!

i'm not too big on photographing my fish, but you can use these if you'd like. If you do please credit


True Perc in a rose bubble tip

flame hawkfish
Here's another clownfish and a little different hawkfish. :)


If you need more just click on the red house above my post and go to gallery section. You are welcome to any of my images of fish that I have there. ;)
Lion and Group of Clowns

Lion and Group of Clowns

Here is a Lion Fish and Group of Clowns.

Lion Fish

Group of Clowns