Anyone love moving fish tanks?


New member
Like I said in my other post, I am moving into a new house and I have to move my 90 tall setup. Pretty simple just sand, a couple rocks, and some damsels. I am still cycling my tank. Dan Co has offered to move it for a price, but if anyone has the setup to move a tank already and wants to help out, I could save the money to buy some more mac and cheese for the kids :(. (Just kidding, just trying to appeal to the humanitarian in you) Anyway, if there is any help out there, it would be greatly appreciated this Fri, Sat or Sun. Thanks.
I might be able to help if you buy the beer! :D

Dan @ DanCo is really a good guy for doing this kind of stuff though. He's done it so many times he can do it in his sleep. Also many of the other LFS's have too. I know how it is to be short on funds though so if you need help, Let me know. What side of town are you on and moving to?

I'm at NAS Jax. It's a close move. Just a few miles west on Collis road. Maybe a total of 8 miles. Do you have the setup? Water containers, buckets, etc.
I have several 4-5 gallon buckets. Nothing real big but perhaps we could split the cost of a container for more water. I need one anyway. :)

Thats good, I am on the westside anyway so wouldn't be too far at all.
I am on the Westside as well. I have a couple ~15G containers, a 32G brute can, and two 5 gallon buckets dedicated to my tank. I could possibly help if you can give me more details and time.....
It is probably going to be Friday, or Saturday if the schedule gets pushed back. I am moving from NAS JAX to Collins Rd west of Blanding.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6792820#post6792820 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bennihanna
Will work for beer.
Right on Ben!

Depending on when you are planning the move I may be able to help too. I have some empty buckets.
I'm off Fri, Sat and Sun. So anytime that is best for everyone involved is fine with me. Just make sure you have all the basics for getting on base (DL, Reg, INS, etc) unless you already have access.

What kind of beer should I get?
Last time I went on the base I had all the needed items but still had to have my friend meet me at the gate and sponser me on so that is probably still the case. Maybe all that are going to help should meet at the pass office at the same time and them you could make one trip and sponser everyone in.

Also, Michelob is good for me, Or Heiney, Or.....Hell, I'm not picky! lol Just as long as it's not old mill. ;)
Yeah, I can meet everybody at the pass office and do the sponsor thing. If you want I can hold up a card with NFMAS on it like a limo driver at the airport. (I always wanted to do that) ANyway, just tell me what beer or soda or water or whatever everybody wants to drink and I'll have it ready. Just get together as far as the day and time and I'll be ready. Thanks again.
I just talked to Spoon1 on his cell phone. I think it would be easier to have everyone meet at the new house on Collins first. He has two vehicles (both are Suburbans) with decals that can be driven on base with no problems. All of the people and equipment can fit in there. I can drive one vehicle and he can drive another. This way, each individual just needs an ID (DL, military ID, state ID, but the Sam's Club Card won't work) to get on base. I am good with 10 AM Saturday. What does everybody think?
moving ?

moving ?

this weekend ? I have to work this weekend but have monday and tuesday off .... have all it takes to move a tank this size 9 with your help) . I have moved 135 gal before and a 230gal... let me know ... tb