Article Translation in Greek


New member
Dear Dr. Shimek

I am the moderator of the "Sea aquarium - Reef aquarium Forum " section of the Greek Aquarists Boards web site.

In the last 3 weeks I have come across to yet another dreadful case of "My opinion is the RIGHT ONE YE INFIDELS " threads that as usually threaten for yet another time to evolve to fistfights (us Greeks are very mindfull of our wifes, cars , political views , inflated Egos , religion and aquaria , and not nessecerily in that order. Something that all the rest of the world haven't quite grasped is that we inveted democracy so everyone could team up with other like minded people and beat the c$%p out of the speacker in the Agora , who in turn usually got his bunch together and returned the favor )

I would like the permision to use a translation of your article "A Guide to a DIY BS-ometer" to try to beat some sense in their thick skulls (yeap ! mee too I will benefit from the goods of instant democracy)
about cases of "who said what and why my opinion on that is better than yours although I know nothing about that in the first place"!

(yes... my tempers at the moment are skyrocketing :mad2: )

Alexander Harontakis
Hey Alexander. We don't allow hosting of our articles on other sites. However, if you'd like to translate it and send it to me, I will have it posted on Reefkeeping.
Hi Alexander,

Skip is the editor of [rk] and what he says, goes. :D We have numerous translated articles on the site and would welcome yours. :D