Clarkii Larval Rearing (no rotifers?)

I have been following this and several other clownfish rearing threads, and I have a question. I am looking to get into this side of reefing as well, as it would be good to "give back" as others have stated.

Anyhow, what do y'all do with your juvies once they are ready to travel? LFS for credit, sell to other reefers, or what? I am not looking to make money on the deal, but anything that helps offset costs is gravy.

Well, Clarkii Clowns sell for $12.99 around here. Two local reefers have offered $25 for a pair. The LFS will give me $5 cash, or $6 store credit. There is also a pet store in Dallas (2.5 hours away) that will take all I can bring him at $5 cash.

I plan to stock the LFS and sell to other reefers first. Then if I saturate the market here, I'll consider branching out into Dallas. This probably won't happen because I don't plan on continuing with the Clarkiis much longer, I want to move on to more expensive (or at least more desirable) fish. I'm considering getting a pair of SI Onyx Perculas or black Ocel., I love them!

The Clarkiis started all this by spawning, and now I have a pair of Royal Grammas that are displaying some pre-spawning behavior, so I'll try those when the time comes. Meanwhile, my spare bedroom has become a larvae rearing room, my bank account has become EMPTY, and my free time has gone somewhere too ;)

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving every second of it. I just never planned on being a fish I can't STOP being a fish breeder.

My first hatch is still doing very well BTW, and the big nest (that I thought would hatch last night) HAS to hatch tonight, there isn't any room left in the eggs, and I bet 90% of them have silver eyes now. Wonder what they are waiting for :D


Great work man, I would really be interested in your notes if your gramma's breed. Unless something unexpected happens the gramma's will be my second attempt at breeding after my clowns.

Keep up the great work on the Clarkii until you have other eggs to play with.

Got my second hatch tonight...finally. Plenty of larvae, proabably twice what I had last time. This thread is getting ridiculous, so I'll start another called Clarkes Clowns - Second Attempt for those of you tagging along.

I'll still post updates on the first batch here when they are needed. All of them have risen from the bottom, so I assume metamoprphasis is over, I hope so, lost a few more, leaving me with 8 healthy little babies (about 3/8" long). They are about 30 days old now, eating nothing but Formula 1 with a little Formula 2 still thrown in.

Here's a quick video....

Nice work and great looking babies. The white tail is normal on Clarks and they do stripe much faster than other clowns. Mine are much lighter, but I do have lighter parents than yours. These are about 2 months old.
Thanks Di, 30 days from now, mine will hopefully look like that too :) It's so cool to have little clownfish that size swimming around...I watch mine for at least an hour a day. Good luck with yours, are you raising more?

Sorry.. But the one on the top right definately looks like a clown. Big 'ol eyes and a big 'ol mouth... Gotta love taking pictures through silicon..

Cute though.

Yes, I have a nest that should hatch either tonight or tomorrow. I am moving my last batch to their 10 gallon home right now, so I can get the 5 gallon cleaned for the new ones. Here we go again!!
By the way, you are doing very well for just starting out. I had no survivors the first two times.
Thanks Di, I am quite shocked to get some through metamorphasis as well. To be honest, it is Edgar and Kathy who have done well....I'm just good at following instructions :D

Good luck with your new eggs, mine hatched last night and are OK so far....but I know how the first three days can go, so I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

Keep us posted on your new hatch.
Well, for someone who has supposed to have done well, I still feel like a newbie. I still consult Clownfishes and the Hoff's Marine Fish Handbook constantly, and wonder when I should start doing this or that. Are they ready? I don't know...

I am feeling very nervous right now about my newest babies, and I hear from my friend that eggs have been laid....

Should I take them or not? Will my marriage survive another nest? Actually, my husband is very supportive, if not enthusiastic, but I worry that I spend too much time with the fish. This is definately an obsession.

p.s. How do you like my new screen name? Easier to pronounce, I think.
Thanks Kathy, I do like the new screen name better.

I'm finding that two tanks full of babies aren't that much more work than one really. More work yes, but I think half the work is getting set up to do something, like vaccuming..once you have bucket and hose set up, not so hard to do two. Then when you mix or retrieve new water, same thing, just get enough for two tanks.

You have the luxury of being able to say no to the eggs, I have to sit and watch mine mature. So far, I haven't been able to bear leaving them alone. I converted my spare bedroom to a hatchery so I could have enough room, am I stupid...probably.

Do I get an ID card or something? ;)

A buddy of mine dropped by this weekend to see where the heck I'd been, I had PVC pipe and fittings strung all over the house, a huge shelving unit half assembled, and ten gallon tanks laying everywhere. He thought i was insane, now I can just tell him it's for a new club I joined.

Was hoping to get the new system wet this weekend, but didn't make it. Drilling ten gallons with a Dremel is LONG work. I need to start a thread on my system build, that way you guys can tell me where I'm screwing up :D

AWW!!! I can't wait until my Clarkii's finally get around to pairing up. I've been feeding more often in the hopes that this will encourage them to finish the "sparring" stage, and the female (or the one who will be the female in the future) has been growing quite rapidly, though still chasing the smaller Clarkii everytime she sees him.

Until they learn to accept and love each other, I've living vicariously through your pictures and videos. Hopefully they'll finish pairing sometime soon.
Jason get out while you still can , you have not glued the pipes? have you?

I was used to your other name , what's 55g means?

I gonna change mine to Darth Larva...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6510069#post6510069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JodiLynn
AWW!!! I can't wait until my Clarkii's finally get around to pairing up. I've been feeding more often in the hopes that this will encourage them to finish the "sparring" stage, and the female (or the one who will be the female in the future) has been growing quite rapidly, though still chasing the smaller Clarkii everytime she sees him.

Until they learn to accept and love each other, I've living vicariously through your pictures and videos. Hopefully they'll finish pairing sometime soon.

Jodi (and anyone else that wants to answer),

I have two baby clowns (percularis...hybrid of occelaris and percula) that I'm guessing were in the "sparring" stage. During feeding time the larger one would always harrass the smaller one and other times they stayed apart a lot. I've just noticed over the last few days they are staying together a lot and during feeding time the harrassing has almost stopped.

How long does the "sparring" stage typically last and is this a sign they are leaving that stage?

Jodi, it's only a matter of time ;) Feel free to live vicariously through me, someone should. I'm sure you know this, but raising the temp a few degrees (to about 80), feeding live brine shrimp, and removing any other fish that harrass the clowns if there are any, will all help to facilitate the pairing process. In the end, THEY decide though.

Steve, lots of pics taken, I'll do the post some night this week after I get more comfy with batch 2, they are getting round bellies. :D

Edgar, Too late my freind, I still have purple primer on my hands :D I tried to run from this breeding stuff, but got tackled by a Clarki on the way out the door.

Brian, mine sparred for about 4 months, then decided to co-habitate the anenome at night fopr another 2-3 months, but stayed apart during the day. Then overnight almost, I never saw them more than 6" away from each other. About 30 days after that, they layed eggs. HTH

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6512309#post6512309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ediaz
I was used to your other name , what's 55g means?

I gonna change mine to Darth Larva...

Kathy55g is my SEASL(saltwater enthusiasts association of saint louis) club screen name. Easier to pronounce than kmleah, and people will now stop calling me Kim and Leah. 55g is the size of my display tank.

Hijack over.
