Clea up crew for a 14 gallon biocube


New member
Hi All,
My Mom is setting up a 14 gallon biocube. I'm providing guidance, but I've never done a tank this small. Any recommendations for a clean-up crew - preferably one that won't eat each other? I'm thinking a few nassarius snails and scarlet hermits, but not sure of what other snails to use. The tank currently has 15 pds of live sand and 15 pds of LR. It's cycled and the ammonia level is zero. Any recommendations are welcome!
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I would go with about 5-6 scarlet hermits and about a dozen each of small nassarius, cerith, and astrea snails (maybe fewer astrea if they are on the large side). Turbos would probably be a bit too big, or would grow that way quickly and play havoc with the aquascaping.
Once you get it all established and are feeding fish, I've got a ton of very small brittlestars (no more than 2" across at their largest) that I've found to be great helping to clean up - I will gladly pass a few along to you.
Check out I purchased a cleanup crew from them. I think you can get $5 shipping on all the snails. If you purchase crabs I think shipping is more.
Emerald crabs aren't a bad addition, either. They can munch down some serious algae. You have to watch them as they get larger (had a 3"+ mithrax that would mow a strie through my devils armor zoas). Good news is they are easy to catch if they ever present a problem.
Such overkill... 1 nassarius snail, 1 fire shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald crab, 2 hermits
Do the media basket mod
Get a glass magnet
All you need bro