Clean Up Crew


New member
I need to buy a clean up crew for my new tank. I do not want any asteria snails or mexican turbos, Where is the best buy for your buck. I would like a package with lots of ceriths, blue legged hermits, some sand sifters, detris turning stars, a couple of Emerald crabs and a few shrimp.

I am not sure if ceriths are the type of snails I need but I do not want large snails like the turbos and I do not want asterias because they flip over and die. I just want some good algae grazers. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I would be interested in the same type of order! Let me know if you find something good!
I forgot to mention, this is for a large tank 260g with refugium. I will need to buy a large supply of crabs and snails. I am looking for small algae grazering and detris removing snails, anyone have any suggestions? How many would you recommend, I think about 200 snails and 150 crabs.
LT, what kind of snails are you using, I would think I would need almost 1 Snail per gallon using smaller snails.
I would suggest

40 nassarius
80-100 cernith
20 nerite
any limipts that you can find ( i love 'em)
maybe some margarita snails

5 emerald crabs maybe a few sally light foots
25-30 scarlets
2-3 brown/black brittle stars
2-3 serpent stars

Of course add'em as you need'em
Hey, Phill I have those little black snails they look like little cerniths they reproduce like crazy in the sand bed and sometimes a few will wonder onto the glass. Would you want some of them? Hey they are free lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6691524#post6691524 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by grendl

I was reading that & wondering... wouldnt it be a bad thing to have a constantly spawning tank of snails??? Wouldnt they eventually just infest the tank?

They will only infest the tank if their is a food for them. Once the algae is eaten the number of snails level themselves off.

On a side note i orderd from maybe 4 years ago and today can say that i have given/sold hundreds of the strombus grazers. These guys like to come out at night. Its great to have a supply of snails that replenish themselves. The only bad thing is they are small and make their way into equipment.

My favorite snails are trochus but they are expensive

Essops suggestions sound pretty good. I would leave the margarita's out though since they are from cooler waters then most reef tanks.

If i was to order a large cleanup crew i would use
Alright Phillip, I think Matt and some others used reeftopia with apparent good results, make a plan.........get the ball rolling...........that algae isn't going away on it's own.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6705643#post6705643 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by phljess How about some of these and some blue legged hermits?

Not the seller I ordered from, but I got a couple of hundred a couple of years ago for my 90 gallon, I still see them occassionally, they stay in the sand and if I look I can usually see the little trunk barely sticking out of the sand in several places in my tanks. Sometimes they come out when I feed.