Club Feedback

Club Feedback

  • I would like to see a financial report on the club.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I don't care enough to read a financial report.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Club politics bore me, I don't care how money is spent or if Club activities are illegal.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • If my posts offend the President it's ok for him to delete them with no warning.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • If a post has an attack or swear in it then it should be moved to the mod forum for a decision.

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • A warning should [b]definitely[/b] be given before a post or thread is deleted.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Mods don't need to warn people before deleting posts whether it violates the User Agreement or not.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Posts on the website should not be deleted unless they are porn. Let the members speak and read and

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Who cares if SWAM violates State law?

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • SWAM should comply with the law by registering with the State to solicit donations

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • It IS ok for club funds to be used in a group buy.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • It's NOT ok for the funds to be used in a group buy.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • It's fine with me that the dues go right to the President's personal paypal account.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • We need some segregation of funds.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • LFS folks who have paid dues should be allowed the same voting rights as non LFS folks who pay dues.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • LFS people are evil and can't be trusted to vote in the Club's best interest.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I don't care either way about LFS people voting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We should stop handling money and just keep it all about tanks and critters (no dues).

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I just want free/cheap stuff, tank tours and speakers; don't bother me with politics.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Board should actively seek legal status for the club.

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
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New member
No one from Maine will be able to see who voted or how they voted, thought this might be enlightening for some folks...
Feel free to vote even if you aren't a member of SWAM.

Having 'generally accepted' rules can be valuable too. ;)
This poll is scarey because if even half the stuff on here is true, then someone has possibly committed felonies. Money going into the Presidents account? No treasury Accounting? What the heck?

I'm sure that an accounting could be made and the members have a right to expect an accounting within a reasonable length of time? Say a week?

The people have a right to know.
Dawn, you must really be on a mission to destroy any reefing community in the state of Maine. You've been ranting on and on for the last month or so, and now your just off the deep end.

We are a microscopic club of 30 active members who enjoy their tanks and the company of other hobbyists in the state. Over the last month and a half, I don't think I've seen any reef related postings from you, only your rants.
I really hate to say it, but don't be such a sore loser.
As current President of SWAM I am very disspointed that Natybug has chosen her curent path of degrading our efforts to run a reef club in Maine. I can't imagaine it would be the same if she had won the election for President in 2008.

I just want to state that I have never put any club related funds into my personal account. Please note the club has reimbursed me for speakers travel related expenses which I paid for with my credit card. For the record last year donated at least $400 worth my own money in purchases and prizes to the club (e.g. bought $200 worth of stuff for the mod kit activity and donated ~$150 for the upcoming UNE meeting).

Please know that I take highly offended by these cfalse haracter degarading accusations.
There are some valid points that she is/has been trying to make..
few seem to care, some do..

While it may seem degrading, the is truth to the matter

The club funds do need to be in a seperate accont... to do this we need to be listed as a biz or NPO...... that is why they are in a persons name... have been for quit a while, but still needs to be addresssed and has been discussed for several yrs.. the recent activities of the club say we need to go in that direction...

If something was to happen to the treasurer and pres, the current account holders, SWAM would not get thier monies from the bank.. a seperate acct would solve that

I am speaking as founds and past prez, current member (addict) of SWAM

Denise Goodheart
I should have said founder, not founds ;)

Also should mention that the newly elected BOD is supposed to address these issues in the upcoming year

The club has heen loosely operated from the get go, because we have grown, this should be addressed or at least change the direction and objectives of the club
I am sorry Bunsenburner, that was not clear: the newly elected president is the one whose paypal account the dues are deposited in. I thought he had taken office already and you were off the hook. I had deliberately not pointed it out until I believed he had taken office as that is clearly a breach of etiquette, if not law. It was still wrong to have them go to a personal account though and he IS still the PR officer if you are still president.

Naturebatslast, you are mistaken. Go to ClubDave and search my posts; I spent plenty of time helping Balmarog when he needed a little guidance with his first fish among other things.

I posted this here because Driftwood informed me that he has 'moderated' my posts. That means he deleted them. No warnings, no discussion, no apology, no trying to work with me, just DELETE GONE.

I will ask that the mods remove this poll because it is a little extreme, but sadly, EVERYTHING in it is true:

1. Dues go to Driftwood's Paypal.
2. Driftwood has absolute power on the website.
3. We have not had a financial report or even a statement of how many members SWAM has. If you go look the last time it was mentioned, the answer was "I believe we have 28 or so members." That's too vague.

I didn't make any false accusations except that I was mistaken about the fact that Driftwood has not yet taken office as president and remains the public affairs officer.

Naturebatslast: I want us to have a kick-a$$ reefing club in Maine, not one guy making all the rules and holding all the club's money with no oversight by the membership.
No thank you Naty for taking your bitterness out on your election loss to Driftwood on the club.

To make things clear, SWAM was founded by Hedonist. For ~ 2 years she ran the club and maintained all associated accounts herself.

In an attempt to grow the club we moved to a BOD based fomat. At this time responcibility for SWAM funds was transferred to Rose. We began down the road of NPO status and bylaws but had some issues with the BOD and we lost a BOD few members. Due to the shortfall the remaining members focus on runnning the club, talks, DIY meetings, auction etc.

Unfortunately NPO status and by-laws were sidelined.

Each member of the current BOD (who share responcibiliy for the SWAM decision making on the SWAM site) really care about the the club as these issues as well as being financially transparent.

Please give us some time to work through these important issues.
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