Colorado Springs LFS


New member
After visiting pretty much all of the LFS in Colorado Springs I've been so disappointed. There is not one even average LFS out here, Petco in some cases has better selection and quality. I'm not going to name names because I don't need to state the obvious but one place has hair algae everywhere and the owner won't even acknowledge your presence, another place has barely any stock, one hasn't ordered anything in like 6 weeks. Its really bad out here, one of you need to step up your game.
i live in colorado too, the selection in colorado springs is pretty shabby except have you been to mr. aqua they have great live stock but the prices could be lower. seascape aquatics doesnt have a good selection. i like the ones in denver such as neptunes and keys island
Mr.Aqua has a few nice stuff but prices are high. I just hate having to drive an hour to grab some corals but I'm hitting up Denver tomorrow. I'm all about supporting local stores instead of going online but it may be more time saving.
Mr.Aqua has a few nice stuff but prices are high. I just hate having to drive an hour to grab some corals but I'm hitting up Denver tomorrow. I'm all about supporting local stores instead of going online but it may be more time saving.

yes i think the same way, also i cant even understand the guy at mister aqua haha. but there are many great places in denver i think keys island has some of the best prices, neptunes is a bit pricey as well but the live stock is quality.
I was stationed in Colorado Springs over 40 years ago and If I remember there was not much of any retail stores there. Maybe it changed now. I did love the place but I remember I had to go to Denver for just about everything.
I was stationed in Colorado Springs over 40 years ago and If I remember there was not much of any retail stores there. Maybe it changed now. I did love the place but I remember I had to go to Denver for just about everything.

yes now colorado springs is quite a big city, also manitou is quite rouristy as well.
Great, I also loved Manitou. Being in the Army I was able to go to places that were not really open to the public and I explored places in the Cave of the Winds where you are not really supposed to go. Well at that time anyway.
Someday I will have to take a trip there for old time sake.
Great, I also loved Manitou. Being in the Army I was able to go to places that were not really open to the public and I explored places in the Cave of the Winds where you are not really supposed to go. Well at that time anyway.
Someday I will have to take a trip there for old time sake.

its a beautiful place to go and its a very trendy place to live, the houses are ridiculously priced
If you want a good selection of corals down here in the springs, you get them from the local club, or two of our club members who are also sponsors, Reefkoi or Racer69. For fish, we get what comes in or order from a wholesaler in Denver, who is also a club member down here.

Paul, if you get out this way, we need to hang!
Murfman, I fly over Colorado occasionally but unfortunately I have never been there since the army days. I know quite a few people in California but no one really where you are, except you of course.
Take care.
has anyone herd of divers collection in denver? this store is really small but man did they have a lot of live stock. I didn't even know it existed until a friend told me about it.